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Letter of Guarantee Guidance

  1. Locate the submitted proposal in RAMSeS for which you want to request a financial guarantee.
    Screenshot of the Letter of Guarantee Proposal Dashboard.
  2. Click on the proposal number to reach the “Proposal Routing Status” screen.
    Screenshot of the Proposal Routing screen, with the View Routing Status button in a border.
  3. Select the tab entitled “Financial Guarantee.”
  4. Select the link “Add Financial Guarantee to Proposal,” and a pop-up form will appear requesting Financial Agreement Information.
    Screen shot of the Financial Guarantee tab.
  5. Fill out the form and click the “Submit” button. Include sufficient justification to support the likelihood of the award and the necessity for an early account.
  6. The form is electronically routed for internal departmental approval.
  7. OSP does not receive an email indicating that a Financial Guarantee has been submitted. At a specified time, Sponsored Programs reviews and pulls any outstanding requests.
  8. A RAM Tracker is created for these requests and sent to the Sponsored Programs Specialist for your department. The department will receive an email with the RAM Tracker ID.
  9. After the SPS receives a Financial Guarantee request for an existing project, they will process the request as normal. The department can use the RAM Tracker ID to check the status of this request
  10. Once a Project ID is established, an automatic email will be sent to the department.
  11. Please note that OSP does not bill for expenses on an LOG.
  12. If an agreement is not received, then the department is responsible for all expenses. These expenses will be moved from the project ID to a department chartfield string.

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