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Core Facilities Agreements


A service agreement should be in place before beginning any work for an external client. UNC-CH has a pre-approved agreement template that may be requested and used. OSP’s Contracting team will work with RSCs to complete these agreements. Use the buttons at the bottom of this page to access the online fillable forms. Once the form is complete, select the “Submit” button to route the request to the OSP Contracting Team. Please see the guidance (PDF) for more information. As a reminder, RSCs DO NOT have the ability to negotiate or sign their own agreements. Please contact with any questions.

To Request a Research Service Center/Core Agreement template:

Please submit a request using the Request New Template form on this website. The pre-approved UNC-CH OSP template will be sent to the submitter’s email. If the Core already has a template, then they can continue to use the current template. They do not need to request a new one.

The Core should use the template provided by OSP Contracting moving forward.

To Submit a Research Service Center/Core Agreement template:

  1. Complete the Research Service Center/Core Agreement template, attach the custom quote or rate sheet as applicable, and provide to the client to sign.
  2. Once the signed agreement is returned, upload the agreement using the Submit an Agreement form.
  3. Once the UNC-CH agreement has been signed by the client, work can begin without waiting for UNC signature.

If Core Template Needs Updates:

If the core needs an amendment to the original agreement with a client, such as an extension or service update, or the Core has recieved new or updated rates and they use a Rate Sheet in their agreements, this information and/or these new rates should be submitted via the Submit Update Request form. This is not needed if the Core uses the rates on their website or custom quotes for their agreements.

The OSP Industry Contracting team will work with the RSC and client to finalize an agreement. RSCs DO NOT have the ability to negotiate or sign their own agreements.

If Changes or Client Agreement is needed:

If the client would like to use their own agreement or would like changes made to the UNC-CH template, please submit a request via the Submit Change Request form. Provide a description of the requested changes, the client contact information and upload the client’s agreement, if available.

Use the buttons below to access the online forms. See the Research Core Agreements guidance (PDF) for more information.

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